got inspired by Kamal Effendi's blog. He's so cooooooooooool ma i could say. heheh -_-" okay, okay. so here's the thing. this post is surely gonna be my first post in english. i dont care if it goes well with me or it doesnt. but this is my first attempt. can't go with it? go away~ back-off! back-off! (oh, seriously i hate when i have to chase away my fellow readers). oups, hello, readers? shame on you la aten! haha.
looking back to the past, the core reason why i signed up for blogger was to improve my english. but it didnt. i didnt work it out. LOL. i lose my spirit to write in english and i wonder when i would gain the spirit back.
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tabekk spring la! |
i kicked-off my first entry in english. yes, i did it. oh well, time passed. and i feel more contented if i be a story-teller in bahasa. so, it's me here, today, and now. :) typing in bahasa, feeling fresher.
somebody please help me ! i wanna improve my english. but i dont know the fastest, most perfect and righteous way to do so. oh pls?pls?pls?
maka ; sekian .
it's good start.
keep writing more in english
even you're a super-duper story teller in bahasa :)
heh heh alamak. kena komen in english jugak ka?
dah lama kot x practice english.
papepun epo, your english is good!
heh heh tu je tahu :P je nk singgah belog tue..
tp singgah belog nih dl...
jom singgah n folloe belog saya...
@kiki ; yeap. practice makes perfect. isnt it? keep supporting me, friend! i'll think of it soon. we'll see.. ^^
@marshie : haha. aduh marshie. tunggang langgang lagi kut :)
@fyna ; hehe. tx fr dropping by. okay, okay. nnt saye flw :)
naaah aku lagi prefer
" practice makes it better "
like k.aisyah once said before
supporting you?
always la dear. non stop :)
gambatte kudasai. yosh
ececeh. oups, okay.. too far from being perfect.i get it. ><
weh sori.aku tanak stat lagi blaja jepun =p
hehe okay lah epo.
jelez ni. nak jugak cakap omputih.
hehe chaiyok2 okies !
haha okay okay
aku dah smpi chapter 4
for my japanese lessons
hi there! thanks for this post. keep on going with the English!
be dare to try and learn from the mistakes. care less about the insecurity. you will do great :DD
btw, thanks for reading my blog :D
lol~! this post was'nt so bad like u think la miss.. out of the blue, u had my tips before aite ? dont wanna try some ? haha... nway, gudluck in ur goal - to improve ur english.. =)
tu dia dia dah mai dahhh !! haha.
should i type in english too ? :P
@Kamal Effendi
waaaaaaa. i still can't believe my eyes watching your writing in my post. LOL. tx tx tx thanksss like a million timessssssssssss.*happy ^^.
ai ai! i will do the best to improve my ENG. :DD
@marshie ; tx lalink
@kiki ; cewah. blaja sendri kut =p
@feeq ; tips? what tips? hahah =p
okayy okay. i will ^^
@kuchee ; jgn jlez =p
yup2. u should write in english. who knows, in some cases,he'll reply u back? lol =p
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