
siapa suruh indulge lagi dengan diri sendiri *dush*

hidup ni bukan untuk diri sendiri T.T
hidup ini untuk allah, untuk ummat, untuk islam
you want something good for you? tunggu kat syurga nanti!
this dunya is not created to meet your needs, desires, kalau nak yang palingggg best, mujahadahlah betul betul, nanti claim kat allah!
(tapi siapa saya untuk claim something from Allah? T.T)

susahnyaaaa nak jual jiwa, diri sendiri kat Allah T.T
padahal bukan diri sendiri punya punnn sobsobs.
fikir besar pls. kita tak hidup untuk diri kita sendiriii
"wa minannasi man'yashri nafsahubtighaaa mardhatillah, wallahu rau'ufu bil i'bad" 2:207
ayat ni bermain2 kat kepala, mesej sama dalam ayat 9:111

apa salahnya kalau jatuh berkali-kali dan bangkit berkali kali pun?
apa salahnya kalau usaha je tapi tak dapat result yang kita nak? 
(tapi betulke dah usaha tanpa hujah ni atenn ishhh ~.~)
apa salahnya kalau study je eventhough you know youre not really good at this and not into this science-thingy?
(yeke ni..  in-denial? T.T)
apa salahnya kalau buat je keje dakwah jangan fikir limitation diri?
(siapa je pun yg letak limitation ni? diri sendiri je kan? bkn murabbi, bkn teammates, you know yourself!)
tak salah...kalau kita tahu allah redha dengan kita...
tapi, kalau allah tak redha dengan kita?
sia-sia dunia dan akhirat............ oma T.T T.T T.T
kerugian berganda-ganda...
tak dapat pape pun wehhh! T.T

buat je atenn, pls. 
kalau bukan medic pun takdirnya, ada lah tu kenapa allah atur camni,
(sobs.. nak je jadi dokter T.T tp tp...) 
chillex bosh, buat je keje yg kena buat,
this.is.not.the.end - ada chance lagi kot!
remember the growth mindset theory - and how it can shape our life?
best apa duk ireland lagi setahun hewhew
positivity in the eyes of negativity and Allah knows what you dont!
prepare diri betul2 before balik pmc, back for jihad, yosh!
prepare diri betul2 dgn theory so that balik clinical nnt you'll learn more!
(bestnyaaaa tak sabar nak jadi doktor untuk ummah! hihi)
bukan saja merawat fizikal tapi merawat juga jiwa-jiwa <3
i need this skill, yes i need this. bertahan pls.

fast forward 7 years later -> doktor utk ummat, murabbiah rabbaniyah, mercy mission, a speaker inshaAllahhhh aminnnnnn yaaa rabbbbbb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just a minor setback. Or perhaps, it is not even a setback to begin with. It's just maybe because of our limited and ignorant view that we see the trials in our life as obstacles while actually they are stepping stones put by Allah to enable us to achieve something greater. Prophet Yusuf is enough as an example. Tsiqah billah. Trust in Allah's beautiful planning.

“We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it’s our life or our possessions or our property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.” - paulo coelho

A long-lost friend of yours. :) all the best.